Payroll Tax % Record

This window establishes the rules for calculating payroll tax for the posting transactions generated from employee's pay components.


Rules and Guidelines

  • Two types of records are associated with the Payroll Tax table.
  1. Percentage record where the payroll tax liability is setup as a percentage of the payroll,
  2. Reduction record where the dollar value of a reduction in payroll tax, if applicable.
  • This record is relevant only if organisations are eligible for a reduction in payroll tax.
  • The actual amount entered must be relevant only to each posting period, e.g. if the posting periods are processed on a monthly basis, divide the annual reduction amount by twelve.
  • If the Retrospective Pay field is blank, then the retro transactions from payroll will be posted to the G/L in the same manner (same G/L Debit and G/L Credit Accounts) as the other non-retro transactions that each rule is calculating.

    If the Retrospective Pay field is ticked, then only retro transactions from payroll will be posted to the G/L, and all other transactions that meet the other criteria within this rule will display as an ERROR to indicate that they cannot be processed. For every G/L posting rule that there is a record with the flag ticked, there also needs to be a record with the flag not ticked to ensure that non-retro transactions can be posted.

    Thus, if the Retrospective Pay field is blank, the rule will process for both retro and non-retro transactions from payroll. It is only if the retro transactions need to be processed to different G/L accounts that separate rules need to be created for retro (ticked) and non-retro (unticked) transactions.

Field Information